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Navigating Uncertainty: Building an Agile Go-to-Market Strategy

15th May from 12PM - 1PM BST

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To succeed in today’s evolving markets, companies must be able to anticipate and embrace change and adopt the new drivers of go-to-market success. In this discussion, we will share research-backed insights on the most important things sales and revenue leaders should consider to navigate uncertainty, build an agile go-to-market strategy, and set their teams up for success. The conversation will focus on:

  • The evolution of organisation technology and its impact on the sales force 
  • Modern, strategic incentives at the core of performance 
  • Connected GTM planning, on the path to anticipating and activating change

James Mulligan

James Mulligan

Varicent Head of Incentives, Product Marketing

James Mulligan is the Head of Incentives, Product Marketing at Varicent, starting his career with Varicent Software in 2006, as a Business Consultant. James’ versatility and experience have led him to hold many roles across his Varicent career including building out the Varicent Training organisation, being the first “boots on the ground” in Europe, and multiple sales roles from services to pre-sales and sales manager.

Outside of work, James is still true to his Canadian roots and enjoys playing Ice Hockey. He has played all over Europe including Latvia, Estonia, Serbia, Netherlands, and many others. Conversely, he has adapted well to his new British home, playing football (the proper stuff) and cricket – although the latter has been heavily reduced due to him spending time with his new son, Charles.


Curtis Schroeder

Varicent Senior Director, Product Marketing

Curtis Schroeder is the Senior Director of Product Marketing at Varicent. He has nearly 15 years’ experience leading marketing and sales strategy at companies like Oracle and Gartner.

In his work, he is passionate about helping marketers and salespeople improve performance and find meaning in their work, which fuels his continued academic studies at Oklahoma State University. Curtis is a Ph.D. candidate and conducts research that explores ways that individual-level work values, skills, and relationship dynamics help frontline salespeople flourish.

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