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How Sales and Marketing Can Work in Unison to Achieve Success

  • Sales Engagement Summit
  • Atossa Vaziri, Marina Snegirjova, Victoria McLeod-Scott, Alan Davis, Spendesk, Zendesk, Citi, B2B Marketing Consultant

One of the biggest pain points within sales and marketing engagement is in aligning two departments to share common objectives. At the 2022 Sales and Marketing Engagement Summit, the event host and CEO of Flume Sales Training Raoul Monks led a panel discussion exploring this topic.

The panellists included four experts in the field, namely Zendesk’s Marketing Director Marina Snegirjova, Spendesk’s Director Revenue Enablement Atossa Vaziri, Citi’s Director Victoria McLeod-Scott, and the B2B Marketing Consultant Alan Davis.

Together, they discussed the biggest obstacles to aligning sales and marketing teams, the impact of alignment, and what the future of sales and marketing looks like.

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