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Accelerating The “Goodbye MQL” Transformation to Opportunities and Buying Groups

  • Future of Sales Conference
  • Simon Daniels, Principal Analyst, Forrester

Many businesses are moving from marketing qualified leads to buying groups and opportunities. It’s increasingly a reality and no longer just an interesting idea. Learn why now is the time to ditch leads, how to address the top concerns when making this transformation, and the benefits that buying groups deliver.

Simon Daniels

Simon Daniels

Forrester Principal Analyst

Simon is a widely experienced B2B marketing operations specialist. He has an extensive track record delivering solutions data, technology, and process challenges with a focus on driving and facilitating go-to-market strategy, execution, and measurement.

Client-side and consulting project highlights include marketing automation implementation, audience data enhancement, campaign and lead process improvement, and analytics delivery.

Simon has been responsible for guiding the identification and deployment of marketing technology and developing data-driven marketing strategy throughout Europe, North America, and Asia Pacific across the technology, telecom, retail, engineering, publishing, and public sectors.

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