Sales presentations to improve experience | Engage Sales

A Productive Go-To Market Approach

Written by Engage Sales | Oct 26, 2022 3:38:10 PM

Laura Valerio, Global Head of Sales Enablement at Vodafone talks us through the steps to transform from a telco company to a tech company by 2025. Along side this Vodafone aims to improve internal efficiencies and accelerate growth.

In the first 3 months of her role, Laura spent this time focusing on what stage they were currently at as a company, in order to plan the steps to achieve this goal.

In this talk Laura outlines the barriers in between where they are, and their goal. The challenges identified were; Knowledge on how to use their social channels, low adoption rates of digital tools (this in turn effected data analysis and forecasting), an outdated ‘go-to-market’ process and a lack of cross functional systems.

Vodafone’s plan included creating a digital sales ready culture, orchestrating streamline cross functional content, aligning sales execution with customer insights. Laura goes into detail on implementing each step into their business.

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