Sales presentations to improve experience | Engage Sales

Transforming Sales Habits, Lessons Learnt

Written by Engage Sales | Dec 19, 2022 2:23:59 PM

At Microsoft, B2B Sellers interact with hundreds of software buyers each year. Customers’ expectations are increasingly high, and it is not always easy to assess their needs, especially as the number of decision makers and buyer influencers increases.

To help our sellers best use their time and efforts, we need to enable them to embrace new ways of selling. We need to help them change the ways that served them well in the past, and adapt to new habits that, for example, leverage marketing engines to identify future opportunities.

Changing work habits requires more than asking people to attend long training sessions. It requires proper change management strategies that will generate a true desire to change.

In this session, we will review our lessons learnt in the journey of transforming the habits of our sales organization.